Presentation: September 13, 2011, the first room of the Commercial Court of Paris ordered the company to Pixmania including Dimitech pay the company the sum of € 1 million as damages in compensation for the loss of opportunity suffered following the wrongful termination of its relationship with this company it was the distributor in its market place called PixPlace. The decision is interesting about the call on the responsibility of the websites carrying on the business market place following the wrongful termination of business relationships with suppliers or manufacturers using their platform to sell their products on the Internet
For the record, Article L 442-6-1 § 5 of the Commercial Code provides that:
"Engage the responsibility of the author, and forced him to repair the harm done, for any producer, trader, business or person registered in the register of businesses:
To break sharply, even partially, an established business relationship, without written notice having regard to the duration of the business relationship and respecting the minimum period of notice determined by reference to usage of trade, through trade agreements. When the business relationship is for the supply of private label products, the minimum period of notice is double that which would apply if the product was not provided branded distributeur.A absence of such agreements, orders of the Minister for Economic Affairs may, for each product category, setting, taking into account the usages of trade, a minimum period of notice and supervise the conditions of breakdown of trade relations, particularly in terms of their duration. ... "
In this case, the website essentially limited to online sales of technology products.
This activity is broken down:
- Firstly, direct sales to the Internet, Pixmania acting as distributor. Pixmania sells to the customer's own products.
- Secondly, on sale through a market place which is called PixPlace a distribution platform for traders / suppliers, Pixmania then acting as agent. The user places an order with Pixmania, but the orders are processed by the supplier that ensures the delivery and customer service, Pixmania cashing the selling price prior to handover to the supplier, minus his commission.
Pixmania Dimitech society and come into relationship in early 2009.
Dimitech has posted its product on the marketplace from Pixmania.
Within months, the turnover generated by the Dimitech Marketplace Pixmania was 6.5 million € per year.
Pixmania has crept into its trade policy (resale price maintenance, demand for new products, opening new countries).
In September 2010, Pixmania Dimitech suddenly demanded the signing of a contract backdated. A written contract has been adjusted in September 2010 to formalize the relationship between the two companies.
In December 2010, overnight, Pixmania has interrupted the link to access the Internet Dimitech products, the latter has been brutally deprived of its turnover through the platform PixPlace called Pixmania.
Pixmania has exercised its Terms of adherence to the platform vendors to stop PixPlace present Dimitech product offerings on its site without notice, since Dimitech have been more than 10% of assessments negative from users.
Pixmania Dimitech has assigned to obtain payment of:
- The sum of € 839 287 as damages in compensation for damages resulting from the sudden break in commercial relations,
- The sum of € 8,643,303 as damages in compensation for damages resulting from wrongful termination of trade relations,
In June 2011, an insolvency procedure was opened against Dimitech.
Pixmania rétorquée fought back and that termination could occur without notice in case of failure by Dimitech its contractual obligations and that the break was justified by the application of the terms of the contract on the evaluation of the supplier (Dimitech) .
Finally, according to Pixmania, the rate of customer dissatisfaction exceeded the limits set by contract which justified immediate termination.
Moreover, according Dimitech, at the time of rupture, sales via the platform Pixmania accounted for 40% of its total turnover and the attitude of the Pixmania forced to file a DCP June 9, 2011 so that by order of TGI Colmar dated June 14, 2011, an insolvency procedure was opened, Mr. Weil was appointed administrator.
The court found several different points.
- With regard to the contract clause that provides for the exclusion of the platform without notice under due to a number of positive ratings below 90%, the
The court ruled that the implementation of this clause seems impossible because of its imprecise and given as:
- Determining the rate of satisfaction is connected to any constraint of time (is it a one-off? [A D-Day? The last day of the week? Month?] Over a given period? [last week of each month?] over a rolling? [The 10 days of determining the rate?])
- The formula for determining the rate is not defined (as opposed to opinions expressed by users? Compared to the number of orders?)
- The allocation of opinion in determining the neutral rate is not specified, the contract refers to a number of positive ratings below 90%, while mail from Pixmania December 15, 2010 states that "[... ] you have been more than 10% of negative feedback from users. "
In addition, it was not clear what the terms of gathering the opinions of Internet users, how they were made and kept so indisputable.
Thus, the court considers that none of the conditions of termination were met (including that relating to satisfaction), so that Pixmania had no reason to break with its contractual relations with brutality Dimitech.
- As regards the production of a bailiff made too late in relation to the alleged commission of the breach of contract:
Pixmania issued a statement to justify the rate of negative feedback left by users on their site for products Dimitech.
First, the court said the bailiff does not know how these data were retained and the impossibility that there would be change and a bailiff established almost four months after the decision to sever can not come to support the decision had been taken.
In addition, the court held that the bailiff made almost four months after the break, can not really justify the decision to break, why was it developed so late? The procedures for collecting assessments and conservation are not explained.
Finally, according to the judges, the very low number of reported negative evaluations of the importance of volume of business done on the platform does not allow Pixplace Pixmania to "rely on the importance of complaints not followed by actions corrective to justify its decision to terminate the contract.
- As an alleged "blackmail" that was guilty Pixmania: signing the contract to join the platform vendors
Pixmania Dimitech and trade relations have maintained from May 2009 without being properly written contract.
It was at the express request of Pixmania "and not without some form of blackmail to higher prices" than Pixmania Dimitech forced to sign "tomorrow":
"A contract Pixmania waiting on your desk. It is super urgent that you sign tomorrow because I have the pressure of the internal audit discovered that we did not have a contract together. I have a very strong pressure to raise interest rates at the usual rates that I do not want. But if you do not help me just before the end of the week by sending me the contract, I could not keep myself at that level. [...] "
In conclusion, "the court finds that Pixmania, who wanted to cease any business relationship with Dimitech, in particular for reasons relating to the solvency or sustainability of the group of companies which Dimitech part, was so threatening accompanied by explicit threats, eager to make him sign a contract that was also backdated, the contract provided that the conditions of termination leonine nature, that the clause has applied Pixmania (satisfaction) is indeterminable, the application that was made is not justified and the conditions of application are abusive, ... In addition, the concerns about the solvency of Pixmania Dimitech or group of companies, does not seem justified since Pixmania cashed on behalf of Dimitech the price of goods sold to customers Dimitech that Pixmania held (subject to the commission accruing) funds belonging to his partner, the court said Pixmania, in its decision to break 9 December 2010 the membership contract binding it to Dimitech has made mistakes or liability, the resulting damage will be repaired and that the break occurred solely to blame. "
Finally, the court sentenced particular Pixmania Dimitech to pay the sum of € 1,000,000 as damages by holding that "Dimitech lost any chance to get some or all of the funds expected [as part of a Fundraising under way for five million euros], so appropriate to reclassify the chief demand for loss of opportunity. "